Strowski, F. “Methuselah or The Eternal Bourgeois.” Paris-Midi, 11/03/1927.
“A Hallucinating Documentary by Jean Painlevé.” Semaine De Paris, 21/12/1928.
Lazareff, P. “How Jean Painlevé Makes his underwater Documentaries.” Cinémonde, 25/04/1929.
Hervieu, M. “The Infinitely Small Revealed by Micro-Cinéma.” Je Sais Tout , 09/1929.
Baron, Jacques. “Crustacés.” Documents I , no.6, 332, 12/1929.
De Kerlon, P. “On The Importance of the Documentary.” Mon Ciné, 19/12/1929.
“Jean Painlevé’s Films.” New York Times, 29/06/1930.
Zahar, M. “Marine Photographs by Jean Painlevé.” Art et Industrie, no. 10, 10/10/1930.
“Miracles.” L’intransigeant, 23/12/1930.
Cassou, J. “Underwater Art.” Art et Décoration, 1/05/1931.
Derain, L. “At the Bottom of The Sea.” Cinémonde, 15/10/1931.
Werrie, P. “The documentary work of Jean Painlevé.” Le Vingtième Siècle, 23/12/1932.
“Jean Painlevé exhibits his marvellous micro-photographic explorations.” Paris-Midi, 1/04/1933.
“An exhibition of photographs from science films.” Le Petit Parisien, 4/04/1933.
“Jean Painlevé’s and Jean Lombard’s exhibitions.” Comoedia, 10/04/1933.
“An original exhibition.” Lyon Republicain, 14 avril 1933.
“Natural Wonders, through the lens of the Photographer.” Monde Illustré, 15/04/ 1933.
Lot, F. “The Micro-Cinematography of Vital Phenomena.” Le Miroir Du Monde, 14/10/1933.
Hutzler, P. “Still and Animated Images, Witnesses of Natural phenomena.” Le Miroir Du Monde, 1934.
Doré, C. “Jean Painlevé, the Shrimp and the Hermit Crab.” Cine-Miroir, 24/07/1934.
Reyna, F. “The Love Life of the Seahorse.” VU, 15/12/1934.
“And Now a Club that Meets Underwater.” The American Weekly Inc, 1935.
S.H.K. “Recording the Sea Flea’s heartbeat, a new field for the camera.” Photography, 01/1935.
Reyna, F. “Painlevé’s Underwater Photographs.” Estampa, 26/01/1935.
“Sea Horses - New Discovery.” The Daily Mirror, 23/02/1935.
Sauvage, L. “Jean Painlevé or the subversion in science: the studio of Underwater Stars.” Regards, 04/1935.
Sauvage, L. “The Institute in the Cellar.” Regards, 10/05/1935.
Lang, A. “The Seahorse.” Gringoire, 17/05/1935.
Sauvage, L. “An Underwater Incursion with Jean Painlevé.” Regards, 06/1935.
Werrie, P. “The Seahorse.” Le Vingtième Siècle, 23/06/1935.
“Walk around Underwater!” Je Sais Tout, no. 356, 08/1935.
Browne, M. “The Underwater Club.” The Christian Science Monitor, 10/1935.
Guetta, R. “The Underwater Club.” Marianne, 4/12/1935.
Berger, M.H. “An Inventor of Cameras, Mr. Jean Painlevé.” Le Fascinateur, no. 332, 01/1936.
“Under The Sea With Painlevé.” World Film News, 04/1936.
Buffet, G. “Seahorses.” Revue Matford, 04-05/1936.
Werrie, P. “Jean Painlevé, a new Méliès.” Le Ventième Siècle, 6/11/1936.
Duca, L. “The Underwater Club.” Sapere, 30/09/1936.
Dervenn, C. “The surprising mysteries of the underwater world.” Le Jour, no. 286, 13/10/1936.
“From Freshwater Assassins to Spies of the High Seas.” L’écran Français, no. 57, 21/07/1946.
Hutchins, P. “An account of some films seen in France.” Sight and Sound, vol. 16 no. 61 (Spring 1947).
Sadoul, G. “Jean Painlevé and the Cine-Clubs.” L’écran Français, 10/07/1947.
Bazin, A. “The Beauty of Chance.” L’Écran Français, no. 121, 1947.
Lacher, A. “The Notation of Mouvement is born.” Le Figaro, 19/05/1949.
Maddison, J. “The World of Jean Painlevé.” Sight and Sound, vol. 19 no. 6, 08/1950.
Battisti, C. “Nature and Cinema in Jean Painlevé’s Work.” Il Giornale Del Mattino, 25/04/1955.
Gaubert, H. “I Interviewed Jean Painlevé.” Naturalia, no. 45, 06/1957.
“For the filmmaker Painlevé, his stars are measured in millimeters.” Tele Magazine, no. 168, 11/01/1959.
Colombibi, R. “Animals have their champions too.” Sport et Vie, no. 34, 03/1959.
Leprohon, P. “The Ballet of Invisible Worlds.” Radio Television Cinema, 3/07/1960.
Cocteau J. “Blood of the Beasts.” Les Cahiers du cinéma, no. 149, 1/11/1963.
“The Noumea Aquarium : Years of work if I had the time.” France Australie, 3/09/1975.
Hazéra, H. Leglu, D. “Jean Painlevé unveils the Invisible.” Libération, 15/11/1986.
Rouch, J. “Jean Painlevé : pioneer of tomorrow’s cinema.“ Alliage, no. 2 (1989).
Henri, J. “Jean Painlevé: Seeing before anything else.” Les Cahiers du Cinéma, no. 423, 09/1989.
Ahlgren, C. “‘Poet of Invisible’ unveils Nature’s secret.” San Francisco Chronicle, 7/07/1991.
Durgnat, R. “Jean Painlevé.” Film Dope, no. 50, 04/1994.
Simon, J. “Jean Painlevé and Mark Dion.” Parkett, no. 44 (1995).
Grafe, F. "Ein Wilderer : Jean Painlevé 1902-1989.” in Zoo. Basel: Ed. Stroemfeld, 1997.
MacDonald, Scott. “Up Close and Political: Three Short Ruminations on Ideology in the Nature Film.” Film Quarterly 59,no.3, 4-21, 2006.
Kemp, M. “Surrealism bites back, sink your teeth into Jean Painlevé’s films.” Nature, 447, 382, 24/05/2007.
Riou, F. “Cinema at the 1937 International Exhibition”. 1895, n°58, 10/2009.
Fretz, Lauren E. “Surréalisme Sous-l'Eau: Science and Surrealism in the Early Films and Writings of Jean Painlevé.” Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies 40, n°2, 45-65, 01-01-2010.
Cary, M. “Picasso and Painlevé.” Art in America, 09/2011.
Cahill, James Leo. “Forgetting Lessons: Jean Painlevé's Cinematic Gay Science.” Journal of Visual Culture II, n°3, 258-287, 01-12-2012.
Berne, Marie. “Non pas cobaye mais vedette: gros plan sur l'animal vivant chez Jean Painlevé.” Studies in French Cinema I4, n°3, 08-09-2014.
Meilvang, E. “Under the mirror.” Krystalbilleder, n°3, 2014.
Gouyon, Jean-Baptiste. “Science and film-making.” Public Understanding of Science, 1-14, 2015.
Adamovsky, N. “Submarine Parties.” Mare Magazine, no. 114, 02-03/2016.
Vedrès, Nicole. Eluard, Paul. Images du Cinéma français. Paris : Les édition du Chène, 1945.
Lloyd, Blodwen. Science in Films I. London: Sampson Low Marston & Co. Ltd, 1948.
Thévenard. Tassel. Le Cinema Scientifique Français. Paris : La Jeune Parque, 1948.
Sadoul, Georges. French Film. London: Falcon Press, 1953.
Gruth, Paul. L’académie Imaginaire. Paris: Plon, 1954.
Morin, Edgar. Le Cinéma et l’Homme Imaginaire. Paris: Ed. Minuit, 1956.
Willoughby, Dominique. Hillairet, Prosper. Les 200 films de Jean Painlevé. Paris : Cinédocs, 1983.
Berg, Brigitte. Rouch, Jean. Jean Painlevé. Paris : Les Documents Cinématographiques, 1991.
Barnouw, Eric. A History of the Non-Fiction Film. 2nd Revised Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.
Martinet, Alexis. Le cinéma et la Science. Paris : CNRS Editions, 1994.
Bataille, Georges et al. Encyclopaedia Acephalica. London : Atlas, 1995.
Faure, Eli. De la Cinéplastique. Paris : Ed Séguier, 1995.
Fleig, Alain. Photographie Et Surréalisme en France. Neuchâtel : Idees et Calendes,1997.
Fleig, Alain. La Naissance De La Photographie Comme Média. Neuchâtel : Idees et Calendes, 1997.
Bouqueret, Christian. Des Années Folles Aux Années Noires. Paris : Marval, 1997.
Bazin, André. Le Cinéma français (1945-1968). Paris : Les Cahiers du cinéma, 1998.
Bellows, Andy. Berg, Brigitte. McDougall, Marina. Science is fiction. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000.
Brenez, Nicole. Lebrat, Christian. Jeune Dure et pure !. Paris : Mazzotta, 2001.
Therond, Roger. Surrealisme. Paris : Edition du Chêne, 2001.
Ecott, Tim. Neutral Buoyancy Adventures in a Liquid World. London : Penguin Books, 2001.
Ecott, Tim. En Flydende Verden. Copenhagen : Aschehoug, 2001.
Ottinger, Didier. Surréalisme et Mythologie Moderne. Paris : Gallimard, 2002.
Kiesow, R. M. Schmidgen, H. Kritisches Wörterbuch Beiträge von Georges Bataille. Berlin : Merve, 2005.
Richardson, Michael. Surrealism and Cinema. Oxford : Berg Publishers, 2006.
Hamery, Roxanne. Le Court Métrage français de 1945 à 1968. Rennes : PUR, 2008.
Hamery, Roxane. Jean Painlevé, le cinéma au coeur de la vie. Rennes: PUR, 2009.
Weigel, Viola. Unter wasser über wasser : vom aquarium zum videobild. Wilhelmshaven: Kerbert Art, 2009.
Alt, Christina. Virginia Woolf and the Study of Nature. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Pick, Anat. Creaturely Poetics: Animality and Vulnerability in Literature and Film.. New York : Columbia University Press, 2011.
Hadorn, Christian. Der Schock des Wirklichen. Marburg : Schüren, 2014.
Veikos, Cathrine. Lina Bo Bardi : the theory of architectural practice. London : Routledge, 2014.
Harter, Ursula. Aquaria, In Kunst, Literatur & Wissenschaft. Berlin : Kehrer, 2014.
Juler, Edward. Grown but not Made. Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2015.
Robertson, Eric. A Shameless, Incident Saintliness: Documents (1329-31) and Acéphale (1936-9) in The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modern Magazines. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015.
Adamowsky, Natascha. The Mysterious Science of the Sea, 1775–1943. London : Routledge, 2016.
Didi-Huberman, Georges. Ninfa fluida Essai sur le drapé-désir. Paris : Gallimard, 2015.
Bataille, Georges et al. Dictionnaire Critique. Paris : Prairial, 2016.
Crippa, Elena et al. ‘an Exhibit’ 1957 and Related Projects. London : Afterall/Koenig, 2016.
Kawa Topor, Xavier. Moins, Xavier. Le cinéma d'animation en 100 films. Paris : Capricci, 2016.
Valière, Laurent et al. Cinéma d'animation, la French Touch. Paris : Editions de la Martinière, 2017.
Exhibition catalogs
Jean Painlevé. Marie Jager Jonathan Watkins. Birmingham : Ikon Gallery, 2017.
Superorganism : the Avant-garde and the experience of Nature. Alessandra Jach Paulina Kurc-Maj. Lodz : Muzeum Sztuki, 2017.
Art and Film : 120 years of Exchanges. Dominique Païni Marie Chenêl. Madrid : Fundacio Bancaria "la Caixa", 2016.
Animality. Jens Hoffmann. London : Marian Goodman Gallery, 2016.
Musicircus. Emma lavigne. Metz : Centre Pompidou-Metz, 2016.
Persona, étrangement humain. Thierry Dufrêne et al. Paris : Musée Quai Branly/Acte Sud, 2016.
Jacques-André Boiffard : la parenthèse surréaliste. Clément Chéroux Damarice Amao. Paris : Xavier Barral/Centre Pompidou, 2015.
OBJECT : PHOTO. Jim Coddington Quentin Bajac Constance Mc Cabe Mitra Abbaspour Lee Daffner Maria Hambourg. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2014.
Forbidden Games : Surrealist and Modernist Photography. Liza Kurzner Ian Walker Tom Hinson. Cleveland : Cleveland Museum of Art, 2014.
The Naked Eye Surrealist photography. Aya Lurie. Tel Aviv : Shpilman Institute for Photography, 2013.
L’Ange du Bizarre, Le romantisme noir, de Goya à Max Ernst. Come Fabre Felix Kramer. Paris : Musée d’Orsay, 2013.
Voici Paris, Modernités Photographiques 1920-1950. Clément Cheroux Quentin Bajac. Paris : Centre Pompidou, 2012.
The color of my dreams. The surrealist revolution in art. Dawn Ades. Vancouvert : Vancouver Art Gallery, 2011.
100 Chefs-d’œuvre de la Photographie. Quentin Bajac Clément Chéroux. Paris : Centre Pompidou, 2010.
El sabotaje de lo real: Fotografia surrealista y de vanguardia. Quentin Bajac, José Antonio Rodríguez. Mexico : Museo Amparo, 2010.
Paris capitale photographique 1920-1940, Collection Christian Bouqueret. Marta Ponsa Michaël Houlette. Paris : Jeu de Paume, 2009.
Gegen jede Vernunft. Surrealismus Paris – Prag. Reinhard Spieler Karel Srp Lenka Bydzovska Barbara Auer. Stuttgart : Besler Verlag, 2009.
The subversion of images Surrealism, photography, film. Quentin Bajac Clément Chéroux Philippe Alain Michaud. Paris : Centre Pompidou, 2009.
Close-up. Proximity and Defamiliarisation in Art Film, Photography. Dawn Ades Simon Baker. Edinburg : The Fruitmarket gallery, 2008.
The Vision Behind: technische und soziale Innovationen im Unternehmensfilm ab 1950. Beate Hentschel Anja Casser. Berlin : Vorwerk 8, 2007.
Collection photographies : une histoire de la photographie à travers les collections du Centre Pompidou. Alain Sayag Annick Lionel-Marie. Paris : Centre Pompidou, 2007.
Begierde im Blick, Surrealistische Photographie. Uwe M. Schneede. Hamburg: Hamburger Kunsthalle, 2005.
Liquid Sea. Rachel Kent. Sydney : MCA, 2003.
Jean Painlevé Photographies. Paris : Galerie Françoise Paviot, 1997.
Collection de Photographies du Musée national d’art moderne Photographies 1905-1948. Alain Sayag Annick Lionel-Marie. Paris : Centre Pompidou, 1996.
Photographies : Œuvres de Jean Painlevé. Paris : Cornette de Saint-Cyr, 1985.
Around Jean Painlevé
Sales Gomès, P.E. Jean Vigo. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1957.
Russolo, Luigi. L’art Des Bruits. Edited By Giovanni Lista. Lausanne: Ed. L’age D’homme, 1975.
Goll, Claire. Hahn, Otto. La Poursuite du vent. Paris : Olivier Orban, 1976. PP 142-143
Calder, Alexander. An autobiography with pictures. New York: Pantheon Books, 1977. PP 125‑126
Eisenstein, Sergei. Memoires vol.1 . Paris: UGE 10/18 , 1978. PP 334-337
Virmaux, Odette. Virmaux, Alain.Artaud Vivant. Paris: Nouvelles Editions Oswald, 1980. PP 215-219
Lherminier, Pierre. Jean Vigo. Paris: Filmeditions, 1984.
Buñuel, Luis. Turrent, Tomás Pérez. Colina, José de la. Conversations avec Luis Buñuel. Paris : Cahiers du cinéma, 1993. P 96.
Violet, Bernard. Cousteau : Une biographie. Paris : Fayard, 1993.
Cuenot, Alain. Pierre Naville, biographie d’un révolutionnaire marxiste. Nice : Bénévent, 2007.
Le Peillet, Pierre. Figures du Trégor -Goëllo II. Port-Blanc Buguélès. Perros-Guirec : Anagrammes, 2008.
Anizan, Anne-laure. Paul Painlevé. Rennes: Presse Universitaire de Rennes, 2012.