Le Grand Cirque Calder 1927 Whitney Museum.
Le Grand Cirque Calder 1927 Les Documents Cinematographiques/Centre Pompidou.
Nosferatu (Bonus feature : Jean Painlevé's The Vampire) British Film Institute.
Science is Fiction (23 films) Criterion Collection.
Science is Fiction (9 films) British Film Institute.
Compilation #3 (13 films) Les Documents Cinematographiques.
Compilation #2 (11 films) Les Documents Cinematographiques.
Compilation #1 (8 films) Les Documents Cinematographiques.
The Mysterious Science of the Sea, 1775–1943. Routledge.
Documents (Dictionnaire Critique). Prairial.
"an Exhibit" 1957 and Related Projects. Afterall Books/Koenig Books.
Le cinéma d'animation en 100 films. Capricci.
Cinéma d'animation, La French touch. La Martinière.
Grown but not Made : British Modernist Sculpture and the New Biology. Manchester University Press.
Ninfa fluida Essai sur le drapé-désir. Gallimard.
Jean Painlevé. Ikon Gallery.
Superorganism : the Avant-garde and the experience of Nature. Muzeum Sztuki.
Pierre's Magazine. The Artist's Institute.
Animality. Marian Goodman Gallery.
Forbidden Games: Surrealist and Modernist Photography. Cleveland Museum of Art.
Object:Photo. The Museum of Modern Art.
Medusa, Bijoux et Tabous. Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris.
Ornament=Crime. BombasGens Centre d'Art.
Arte y Cine, 120 años de intercambio. Obra Social "La Caixa".
Underwater wonders of Jean Painlevé. The Guardian.
At the Ikon Gallery. London Review of Books.
Les Sous l’eau refont surface. Libération.
Picasso and Painlevé. Art in America.
Rachel Boate. Through the Lens: The Influence of Visual Technologies on 1930s Biomorphic Abstraction The Metropolitan Museum of Art. April 20, 2018.
James Cahill. Jean Painlevé and the Surrealism of Comparative Anatomy Harvard University. Nov. 14, 2017.