Writings : Neo-Zoological Drama

Neo-Zoological Drama

The plasmodium of the Myxomycetes is so sweet;

The eyeless Prorhynchus has the dull color of the born-blind, and its proboscis stuffed with zoochlorellae solicits the oxygen of the Frontoniella antypyretica;

He carries his pharynx in a rosette, a locomotive requirement, horned, stupid, and not at all calcareous.

But Dendrocoelum lacteum and Planaria torva, gonocephalous and olive-greenish, sharpen the pleasure of the hoops;

The little turbellarian knows the embrace of their mouth;

Good for Chironomus plumosus to outline their intestinal arborizations in red lace;

What spherical astonishment: he flees and ruptures the phlegmy threads reserved for the Bythotrephes longimanus, that sacred little crustacean with close-cropped hair;

He would rather be born through parthenogenesis than touch these threads of the ovoviviparous Mesostoma;

He has no choice; soft, elastic, and full of mucus, with neither truncature nor duplicature, he projects himself like Mercator on Nephelis octoculata whose eight eyes are not sufficient to express the fact that she has spent all summer laying eggs;

The laborers produce little bundles;

A Rotifera dries up in a corner;

As it can be sensed that the sexes are separated, the Prorhynchus sucking stops;

Stephanoceros eichorni is better;

What difference does a double on a belvedere make. Stop.

The turbellarians have seized it, penetrate by breaking and entering, pierce and suck;

A horrible cry echoes and joins the lapping of luminous interferences;

The cercaria of distome emerge from their stagnal hymens, cast a glance, and terror encysts them.

The rolling in an S, a bit of zinc the temporarily gelatinous sophistry pffft! Filched.

The spermatogenesis only takes place in the male, says this old marc valve.

Oh, there now!


Jean Painlevé "Drame néo-zoologique" originally published in Surrealisme, n°1, October 1924.