Jean Painlevé was a prolific writer and a regular contributor to magazines and newspapers. In his articles, Painlevé wrote not only about his own work, but also on a variety of subjects such as education, art, literature and politics. In addition to writing for the press, Jean Painlevé has written a large number of essays, poetry, film scripts and plays.
Neo-Zoological Drama
Why I Make Films
The biology films
Science and Cinema
The Beauty of the Documentary
Will the Documentary always be treated as a Poor Relative?
On maintaining titles cards in sound documentaries
Mysteries and Miracles of Nature
In the Land of the Headhunters
Cinema Today: On George Altman's Book "That's Cinema!"
A Slander! On the Colorado Beetle
The End of Robots
The Redemptive Scalpel
Preparing for a Good Birth
Filming through a Microscope: Practical Applications
The Problem with science documentaries
An Unknown World : Sea Urchins
The Life of Animals. Common creatures : Crabs and Shrimps
Feet in the Water
The life of animals. The Freshwater Flea
How we unlearn through Cinema
Life Underwater
On the seabed, a human eye is watching us…
Falsehood in the Documentary
How Cinema Reveals the Invisible
On Fernand Léger's "New Realism"
Meeting Jean Vigo
Blood of the Beasts : a filmmaker went to the Slaughterhouse
Cinema, Science, and Teaching
We have come a long way since the Underwater Club
The Problem with Cine-Clubs
Castration of the Documentary
Monsieur Hulot is here to stay
Erich von Stroheim
A Little-Known Pioneer of the science film: Lucien Bull
A Comparative Analysis of Color Film Emulsions
Scientists as Filmmakers and Science Filmmakers
Introduction to the exhibition Documents de la vie sociale. Galerie de la Pléiade, 1935.
Painlevé, Jean. Pénétration Pacifique. Roscoff : Laboratoires La BioMarine, ca. 1936.
Introduction to Conté, Pierre. Expression par gestes et locomotion. Paris : Arts et Mouvement, 1952.
Introduction to Le jeu des sept erreurs. Paris: Editions Julliard, 1963.
Article "The Work of Doctor Comandon" in Jean Comandon. Brussels : Hayez, 1967.
Article "Luigi Russolo in Paris" in Russolo, Luigi. L’art des bruits. Lausanne: L’age d’homme, 1975.
Article "Artaud" in Virmaux, Odette. Virmaux, Alain. Artaud Vivant. Paris: Nouvelles Editions Oswald, 1980.
On the Documentary, 1938
Nature and Cinema, 1947
The Poets of the Documentary, 1948
Forms and Movements in the Documentary, 1949
Colonialism, n. d.
“Duck soup” by the Marx Brothers, n. d.
Against Xenophobia, n.d.
Reasons to join the Front Populaire, n.d.
Ramblings, n.d.
The Camel, n.d.
The Bug, n.d.
The Fly, n.d.
The Guinea Worm, n.d.
The extraordinary in animals, n.d.
The Tragedy of the city of Ys, 1935
Astonishment, ca. 1946
A stroll in the Garden, ca. 1946
A walk in the Forest, ca. 1946
Green Inferno, 1946
Note on the Cinemathèque Française, ca. 1962